10 files found in Library "PowerBBS program and utils"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
BBSCOM.ZIP Yes 44977 4/23/1994 The latest version of BBSCOM2.DLL (4/23/94). This makes all other versions obsolete. Please update imediately. Several bug fixes from greenleaf who programmed part of the drivers.
BBSMAIL2.ZIP Yes 273890 7/24/1994 PowerBBS - MS Mail Gateway version 2.0 Better font support, group send, FTPMAIL support. Both Windows and Windows NT versions included. This is for PowerBBS version 3.5
BBSMAIL5.ZIP Yes 257402 4/12/1994 PowerBBS - MS Mail Gateway version 1.5 Added Carbon Copy function, FTPMAIL support. Both Windows and Windows NT versions included. This is an update to the version included in PBBS 3.4
INTB2.ZIP Yes 114751 4/20/1994 Latest Internet Tossers for PowerBBS. Use with latest WinMail to connect to any UUCICO service. Fixed bug with forums over 200.
PBBSW35A.ZIP Yes 1357812 7/23/1994 PowerBBS FOR WINDOWS v3.5 (Disk 1/2): The #1 telecommunication solution for running a full-featured, multi-line BBS from within the Windows environment! *** AMONG THE MANY NEW FEATURES IN v3.5:**** * In/out TELNET capability!!! New internal * * GUI File Manager! GUI Sysops display! * * Major group Teleconference enhancements! * * Download directly from P/Base! New FAX * * back feature! Autocreation of DOOR.SYS! * * New .DLL add-ons for C/Pascal developers!* ********************************************
PBBSW35B.ZIP Yes 1105967 7/23/1994 PowerBBS FOR WINDOWS v3.5 (Disk 2/2): A powerfully flexible BBS system with GUI Config, ANSI/ASCII/RIP support, DOS Doors, online dBase, Internet/Usenet mail server connection, FTPmail, QWK-mail network, MAPI Gateway, satellite mail support, air-tight security, KERMIT/X/Y/Zmodem protocols, 1000 forums, file-enclosures in messages, CD-ROM support, FILE_ID.DIZ support, u/l scanning, split-screen & group teleconferencing! More! ZIP viewing, multi-lang support! PowerLANG scripting for total configurability!
PCREDITS.ZIP Yes 15228 7/22/1994 CREDITS.DLL add-on for PowerBBS. Allows one user to transfer credits from their user record to another user. For use on PowerBBS systems using the "Credit" option. CREDITS.PAS included.
PNETB3.ZIP Yes 97439 4/21/1994 PowerNet for PowerBBS Systems. PowerNet - Now allows up to 1000 forums PLEASE UPGRADE. Fixes bugs.
POWRND1.ZIP Yes 134471 7/23/1994 PowrNODE v1.0: (update for PowerBBS v3.5!) Keep track of who's online at all times, have an instant list of recent callers and view their slice of the activity log in this little unobtrusive app for PBBS/Win. Sits anywhere on your screen! .WAV sounds during logon, logoff & offline! NodeInfo display, Hide PBBS Icons & MORE! A must for every PowerBBS Sysop! (Shareware) Brad Friedman - CalamityVille 212-226-8564
PSDKV35.ZIP Yes 27518 7/22/1994 PowerBBS Software Development Kit v1.00 Easily create add-ons to PowerBBS v3.5, compiled into .DLLs and executed by PowerBBS. Can be translated into any Windows capable programming language. POWRDLL.PAS is Borland Pascal compabile. POWRDLL.H and POWRDLL.C are the files include for C programmers; compatible with Borland or Microsoft C. PowerBBS v3.5 required.